What Is Homeopathy?
Homeopathic medicine treats the whole person, looking at the physical, mental and emotional aspects of health and wellness. It is highly effective for common ailments, acute and chronic disease. Homeopathy follows the Law of Similarity. To better illustrate the meaning of the law of similar, we can take the example of coffee. If you drink ten cups of coffee today, you will feel excited and nervous, jittery, you will probably have difficulty sleeping and will void urine frequently. If a man comes to see me in consultation and tells me that he feels nervous, jittery and has insomnia, without having drunk 10 cups of coffee, I would consider prescribing homeopathic coffee.

A Brief History of Homeopathy

Dr. Hahnemann, the founder of Homeopathy, was truly ahead of his time. When other doctors were poisoning their patients, he wanted no side effects at all. He experimented with infinitesimal dosages, diluting the remedies. Strong shaking between each dilution renders the remedy more potent. We now know that the more dilute a remedy is, the more potent it is. This is very controversial and the medical community believes that patients get better with homeopathy because of the placebo effect. When an animal or a baby responds favorably to homeopathic medicine, it is hard to say that this effect is a mere placebo.

Dr. Hahnemann was ahead of his time because his remedies are dilute and potent. Less is more. Our science today doesn’t have the tools to properly investigate this phenomenon.
The History of Homeopathy
Homeopathy was founded in the late 1800’s by a German doctor named Samuel Hahnemann. Dr. Hahnnemann was a brilliant man who spoke and wrote 11 languages and became a doctor at age 15. He was an excellent chemist. While he was practicing medicine, he realized that he was not helping people and decided to return to his old trade of translating books. It is while he was translating a materia medica (a book of indications for use of various medicinal substances) that he came across the first principle of homeopathy, like cures like or the law of similars. In this book, the author, Dr. Cullen, mentioned that Peruvian bark (quinine) was good for malaria because of its bitter and astringent principles.

Dr. Hahnemann strongly disagreed because he knew of substances more bitter and more astringent that had no effect on malaria. He then decided to test quinine by taking it himself. He started to develop intermittent fever…, which is similar to malarial symptoms. He thought that perhaps the effectiveness of quinine was due to the fact that it created symptoms in the healthy that were similar to those in the sick.

Dec 1st 2022: Live Webinar About Homeopathy