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Remedy Wellness Centre
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Remedy Wellness Centre lifestyle blog for health and wellness information from Victoria BC’s Acupuncture, Chiropractic, Massage, Physiotherapy and Nutritional professionals. Learn about everything from pain science to gut health, genetic testing and auricular acupuncture.
About Food Sensitivities
Food sensitivities are different from food allergies, though they are commonly mistaken as the same thing. An allergic reaction is a different chemical process, then an inflammatory reaction, which...
About Anxiety
What is Anxiety? There are several different types of anxiety. Its important to identify what is driving your symptoms, so we can work together to find an effective and long lasting solution. A...
About Depression
Depression can affect anybody, regardless of age, gender, income or profession though some groups are more susceptible that others. Depression is quite commonly experienced, affecting one in six...
Headaches: what kind and what to do about it
Headaches can be awful, especially when they happen often. Its normal to have to occasional headache that you can explain like a dehydration headache, or a hangover headache. The often clear up on...
Guest Post: The Use of Props in Therapeutic Yoga
Therapeutic Yoga is an evolving term in 2022, not quite defined, but with some fairly consistent traits. Everyone seems to agree it’s a gentler form of yoga focused to address imbalances or lack of...
What is your opinion on the role diet plays in contributing to anxiety symptoms?
The link between diet and anxiety is a growing field of interest in the medical community because evidence suggests it's likely that your eating habits play a role in how you feel. In fact many...