Dave Hyldig


Practicing since 2020

Dave found hypnotherapy many years ago and began studying hypnosis as a way to address his own chronic pain. Hypnotherapy was the thing that helped him most to relieve pain and address underlying psychological issues like anxiety/worry and stress, which often are perpetuated by the cycle of pain flare ups that many people with chronic pain live with.

With many complimentary certifications like Coaching for Health from Pain BC, Foundations in Positive Psychology through UPenn, Pain Education from Vancouver Island Health and NLP & Neo-Ericksonian Hypnosis through MMHA Canada he is well equipped to help with a variety of common issues.

Dave uses many of the common tools hypnotherapy is known for like deep relaxation, imagery, visualization and direct suggestion in hypnosis. Other important skills are often utilized as well such as recognizing and teaching a few breathing patterns, posture and thinking patterns that can keep us trapped in negative states of mind or set us free to live the empowered lives we want.

Common things that Dave works with are stress, anxiety, fears and phobias, traumatic experiences, stop smoking/vaping and chronic pain (with Dr’s note).

Many people also seek hypnosis to make improvements on things like confidence, public speaking, sports performance or to support any program (ie: diet or exercise etc).  These are all areas that Dave can help you with.

About Hypnosis