The Benefits of Massage Therapy for Athletes


In the world of sports, athletes are always seeking ways to enhance their performance, speed up recovery, and prevent injuries. Along with the obvious important factors like diet, hydration, and recovery, is massage therapy. This guide will delve into the benefits of massage therapy for athletes, types of massages suitable for different sports, and how regular sessions can elevate your athletic game. Whether you compete at a serious level or enjoy being a weekend warrior, our RMT’s at Remedy Wellness Centre can come up with a plan that fits your goals!


1. Enhanced Performance & Faster Recovery


Improved Flexibility: Regular massage therapy helps increase muscle flexibility, allowing for a greater range of motion and improved overall performance. Your RMT can also give you specific exercises to work on at home.

Reduced Muscle Soreness: Massage therapy helps in reducing muscle soreness.

Quicker Healing: By promoting better circulation, massage aids in faster healing of minor injuries and muscle strains.

A systematic review and meta-analysis found that massage therapy is effective for both alleviating DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness) and improving short-term muscle performance. Techniques such as Swedish massage, effleurage, self-massage (foam rolling), and vibration were shown to reduce DOMS symptoms. Three main mechanisms are proposed for how massage positively impacts DOMS:

  1. Modulation of the parasympathetic nervous system activity
  2. Increased blood and lymphatic flow to clear biochemical markers of muscle damage
  3. Psychophysiological responses in reducing pain

Massage has also been shown to reduce serum CK levels, a biomarker of inflammation and skeletal muscle damage. These findings suggest that massage therapy can decrease DOMS by addressing the inflammation and muscle damage theories of DOMS. It is theorized that the clearance of serum CK levels from the circulatory system promotes muscle recovery and performance.


3. Injury Prevention


Improved Muscle Function: Regular massages help in maintaining muscle health, reducing the risk of strains and tears.

Corrects Muscle Imbalances: Massage therapy can address muscle imbalances and tensions that often lead to injuries. Your RMT can guide your self care with foam rolling and stretching, as well as stability exercises and stretches, all important factors for injury prevention. Our RMT’s also work with our Physiotherapists, if you want a team approach to care.


Types of Massage Therapy for Athletes


1. Deep Tissue Massage: Focuses on the deeper layers of muscle tissue. Ideal for treating chronic muscle tension, and sports-related injuries.

2. Sports Massage: Specifically designed for athletes, targeting muscle groups relevant to their sport. Sport Massage can be performed pre-event, post-event, or during training to optimize performance and recovery.

3. Swedish Massage: A gentler form of massage that promotes relaxation and stress relief. Beneficial for maintaining overall muscle health and well-being.

4. Trigger Point Therapy: This therapeutic massage technique targets specific tight areas, often described as “knots,” known as trigger points. Helps in relieving pain and improving muscle function.


When to Get a Massage: Timing for Optimal Benefits


1. Pre-Event Massage: Performed a few days before an event to enhance muscle flexibility and mental relaxation.

2. Post-Event Massage: Conducted within a few hours to a day after the event to reduce muscle soreness and aid in recovery.

3. Maintenance Massage: Regular sessions scheduled during training periods to prevent injuries and maintain optimal muscle function.


Finding the Right Massage Therapist


1. Qualifications and Experience: Choosing a registered massage therapist ensures a base level of training and experience in BC. Most provinces in Canada are regulated, but some are not, so you have to do your homework to ensure the practitioner has adequate training.

2. Practice Focus: Look for an RMT who focuses on sports massage and has experience working with athletes, who has a deep understanding of the demands of your sport. Most RMT’s will include this information in their online biography.

3. Personalized Approach: Choose an RMT who tailors their techniques to your specific needs and goals.


Massage therapy is a powerful tool for athletes looking to enhance their performance, speed up recovery, and prevent injuries. By incorporating regular massage sessions into your training routine, you can achieve a higher level of physical and mental well-being, leading to peak performance in your sport.

Ready to experience the benefits of massage therapy for yourself? Contact us today to schedule a session with one of our experienced sports massage therapists and take your athletic performance to the next level!



  1. Zainuddin Z, Newton M, Sacco P, Nosaka K. Effects of massage on delayed-onset muscle soreness, swelling, and recovery of muscle function. J Athl Train. 2005 Jul-Sep;40(3):174-80. PMID: 16284637; PMCID: PMC1250256.

  2. Guo J, Li L, Gong Y, Zhu R, Xu J, Zou J, Chen X. Massage Alleviates Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness after Strenuous Exercise: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Front Physiol. 2017 Sep 27;8:747. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2017.00747. PMID: 29021762; PMCID: PMC5623674.

(It should be noted that these studies are considered low quality. Further research is required to verify the positive effects of massage on DOMS.)