Remedy Wellness Centre

Frequently Asked Questions

How to find us and where to park
How To Find Us

We are located on Fort Street on the left side, between Quadra and Blanchard St, closer to Quadra Street. There are two entrances to the building; stairs and an elevator entrance. These photos are also available on our Google My Business Page, for your convenience,

852 Fort St. Victoria, BC Joseph Building Entrances  

Where Should I Park?

There is on street parking available on Fort and Quadra. We also recommend the Broughton Street Parade below the downtown library. The first hour is free. Both on street and parkade are free before 9am and after 6pm. 

Do you have the City of Victoria Parking App? Its so much easier than trying to use the pay stations. And you can stop your parking exactly when you leave, so your’e not paying for extra time you’re not using.

After 6pm & Saturdays, Buzz In for Entry

On week days, the building is locked at 6pm. On Saturdays, it’s locked all day. There is a buzzer at the elevator entrance, just like an apartment building, so we can open the door for you remotely.

Insurance & Receipts

Billing Questions

Do you direct bill my insurance?

Yes we do. We bill most extended plans and ICBC. We DO NOT bill WCB but you can submit your receipt to them for reimbursement. If you want to double check that we can bill your plan just give us a quick call and ask.

Can you tell me how much coverage I have left through my insurance?
Unfortunately, no. Your insurer won’t give us this information, but you can call them and ask. Most of them have an app or an online portal that will give you this information as well.
Can you print my receipt?

Yes, but we would prefer to send it to you via email. We are a green company and strive to be as paperless as possible. We can also send you a summary of your billing for the year, which is often much more convenient for taxes and records. 

Do I need a doctors referral?

Typically no, but your extended health benefits insurer is the one who would requires it, not us. Just give them a quick call or check on their website or App.

Should I tip my practitioner?
Typically, no. Would you tip your doctor or pharmacist? If you were going to a spa for a massage, you would tip.

ICBC & Other Insurers

Direct insurance Billing

Please inform our admin staff if you have coverage or include your insurance information when you complete your health history form online. If you do not see your plan listed, we may still be able to bill it directly, please call and we will let you know.

We do not direct bill WCB/Worksafe or ICBC for any of our services. Sorry.

A credit card on file is required due to the unpredictable nature of direct billing. We submit your claim through an online portal, which gives us an estimate of the amount your insurer will pay, and the amount you will owe. Most of the time it’s bang on, but sometimes it’s not. Especially if you are using two plans. Often couples have primary coverage on theirs, and secondary coverage on their spouse or parter’s plan. Having a card on file allows us to efficiently make adjustments as needed.

​Direct billing is available for the following extended health plans AND MORE!

Canada Life
Canadian Forces
Chamber of Commerce
​Claim Secure
Desjardin Insurance

Pacific Blue Cross

Standard Life

Veterans Affairs



ICBC Billing

Have you been involved in a motor vehicle accident ? ​Here’s what you need to know.
I've been in a car accident. Will ICBC cover my treatment?

Yes, ICBC will cover most or all of your treatment. Effective Mar 30th, 2025 we no longer offer direct billing for ICBC. You can submit your receipts for treatment to your ICBC Adjuster for reimbursement. 

  • ICBC will cover Acupuncture: 12 visits within 12 weeks of your accident
  • ICBC will cover Chiropractic: ​25 visits within 12 weeks of your accident
  • ICBC will cover Kinesiology: ​12 visits within 12 weeks of your accident
  • CBC will cover Registered Clinical Counseling: 12 visits within 12 weeks of your accident
  • ICBC will cover Physiotherapy: ​25 visits within 12 weeks of your accident
  • ICBC will cover Massage Therapy: ​12 visits within 12 weeks of your accident


Where should I start with my ICBC Treatment?
We recommend getting a thorough assessment done by our Physiotherapist, Chiropractor or Athletic Therapist/Kinesiologist. This practitioner can take charge as your primary care person.

They can provide you with a picture of what is happening in your body and suggest some additional treatment options that may include massage therapy, acupuncture, clinical counselling, etc…

How many service should I be using?

We know it can be tempting to book all of the available treatments and appointments all at once, but sometimes this can be overwhelming for both your body and your schedule. We don’t want to over-treat you.

We recommend starting with 1 -2 therapies, likely once a week each, and booking a few weeks ahead to ensure consistency of care. At any time, your primary practitioner may recommend adding/removing more therapies, if it would be in your best interest.

Starting with Physiotherapy or Chiropractic is highly recommended. Counselling is also highly recommended as dealing with both the physical and mental/emotional trauma are equally important.

Its also recommended to keep all of your services under one roof. We work as a team and communicate with each other about your treatment progress and what we’re focusing on. For this reason, we can achieve a higher quality of care and better results than if you are seeing someone outside of Remedy.

What if I am not recovered by the end of the 12 weeks?

Don’t worry! We can submit a treatment plan to ICBC with a request for additional treatments past the first 12 weeks. However, there is no guarantee that they will approve the request.

Does ICBC cover the total cost of my treatment?

ICBC pays a flat fee per service for acupuncture, chiropractic, kinesiology, counselling and registered massage therapy. ​In most cases, that fee covers the total cost of the appointment.

These rates change every April. Contact your ICBC adjuster for the most up to date information. 

Why can't I use my other insurance and not bill through ICBC?

Unfortunately, your insurer doesn’t allow billing for the full service fee if you have an active ICBC or WCB claim. Some insurers will cover only the remainder. If they discover otherwise, you can be on the hook financially for the cost of treatment. Yikes!

What if I am past the first 12 weeks since my accident?

In this case we will need to get you in for an assessment with one of our practitioners to determine if it’s appropriate to send a treatment plan request to ICBC, asking for an extension of coverage. You may need to pay out of pocket for this assessment, if ICBC denies coverage. You can also contact them directly to find out.

Why do you not direct bill ICBC anymore?
ICBC released a new set of terms that are to go into effect on March 30th, 2025. After careful consideration, we’ve made the difficult decision to opt out of ICBC’s Health Care Services Provider Network and to end our direct billing to ICBC, effective Mar 30th, 2025. We understand that this will be a significant inconvenience for patients who relying on ICBC coverage for your rehabilitation, and we want to be fully transparent about why we’ve made this decision. The new ICBC provider agreement introduces terms that not only place an excessive administrative and financial burden and risk on clinic owners and practitioners, but also create significant risks for you as a patient. For your information, a recent online poll indicated that 80% of clinics across BC are opting out of the ICBC Recovery Network.
The new agreement gives ICBC extensive control over how care is provided, including the ability to:
  • Dictate treatment decisions based on financial and performance metrics rather than clinical need.
  • Conduct invasive audits, including accessing your private health records without your explicit consent.
  • Refuse and claw back payment for care they later deem unnecessary, even after treatment has been provided in good faith.
  • Place restrictions on how and what services you can access, potentially limiting your ability to get the treatment that best supports your recovery.
These terms compromise both your privacy and our ability to provide you with the highest quality, patient-centered care. If we remain a part of ICBC’s provider network, we would be forced to accept their oversight into our treatment plans, subjecting you to decisions that may not align with your best health care interests. Additionally, the new contract puts you at risk of having your treatment retroactively denied, leaving you financially responsible for care that ICBC initially approved.
If there’s something else on your mind, just give us call or send an email. We’re happy to answer your questions.

Online Appointments

Telehealth Questions
Where do I go to log into my telehealth appointment?

You can log in HERE, using your Jane App Patient Password. You should have received a welcome email, when the first appointment was booked, which would prompt you to set up a username and password. If don’t remember it, you can reset it online, or call us and we can send you a password reset link.

What if I'm having technical difficulties?

Give us a quick call and we will try to walk you through getting connected. If you’re having a Naturopathic or Counselling Online appointment, it can also be done over the phone if we can’t get you connected.

Here are some tips to help make this a successful appointment:

1. Our online platform works best with either google chrome or safari web browsers -please ensure you have one of these installed on your computer.

2. Ensure you have a space that is clear with room to move around, especially if you’re seeing a physio, athletic therapist or kinesiologist. If you’re appointment is for counselling or naturopathic medicine, make sure you are comfortable and have privacy in your at home treatment space.

3. Have a space that is well-lit so we can see you

4. Camera Angle – you may be asked to shift this throughout your appointment so your therapist can observe different angles, movements or body parts. -A desktop is difficult to adjust so its not ideal.

5. Ensure you are in a quiet, distraction free environment

6. Test your web cam and microphone beforehand (consider using wireless headphones/mic)

Helping You

Treatment Questions

There are so many options, where do I start?

Musculoskeletal: Honestly, when it comes to physical discomfort or pain, there’s no wrong option. There’s a lot of overlap between the manual therapy practitioners and how they are trained to asses injuries, pain, dysfunction and discomfort. We would recomment Physiotherapy, Chiropractic or Massage.

Other Systems: If you’re problem is hormonal, digestive, skin related, etc. you’re going to get a lot more out of Acupuncture/TCM or Naturopathic Medicine, than you would from our other practitioners.

Mental Health: the obvious choice is counselling, but there are many benefits to mental health with massage therapy and acupuncture as well.

When in doubt, give us a call or book a free consult to have a quick chat with any of our practitioners. We will point you in the right direction.

How many treatments will I need to resolve my issue?

Its safe to assume you will need to start with 3 treatments about 1 week apart, in most cases. Its a good idea to book them all in advance, to ensure you can get in.

Each treatment plan is unique and catered to your needs and goals. Everything we do together is an input into your nervous system, and we can’t make a lasting change with only one input.

Its a difficult question to answer because there are so many factors including if it’s an acute or chronic problem, your health history, you’re ability to do your exercises/homework, your emotional state, etc. We approach your problem with a biopsychosocial lens and look at the whole picture.

Why am I being prescribed home-care exercises?

We believe in empowering our patients to take control of their functional abilities by giving you tools to use at home. The more you know about how things work, the less reliant you are on your practitioner.

Its also a method of recreating the effects of the treatment you received, which is continual positive input to your nervous system. This creates lasting changes so eventually you don’t need us anymore.

My regular practitioner isn't available soon enough. I'm in pain, what should I do?

Option 1: Add yourself to that practitioners wait list online, or call us and we can do that for you. And book the next available spot. This notifies your practitioner that you’re trying to get in ASAP. Sometimes they can open up extra treatment time for you.

Option 2: See one of our other practitioners. We can even have your regular practitioner make a recommendation on who you should see in the short term. With your permission, he/she can review your treatment plan and pick up where your regular practitioner left off. You’re welcome to hop between practitioners and experience some different treatment styles and approaches in order to find the best fit for your needs or meet an immediate need. ​

I'm interested in trying more than one therapy. Is that okay?

Yes and no.

Yes: Some therapies really compliment each other and are well paired like getting a massage right before you see the chiropractor. Most people will react really well to this approach because the massage will release the connective tissue, allowing the chiropractic adjustment to happen with more ease. However, each person is different and some people may find that this is too much for them in one day.

Another good pairing is acupuncture and counselling, or acupuncture and massage. You may find that you get better results by alternating who you see from week to week, rather than throwing everything at it in one day. For example, massage this week and acupuncture next week. You’re practitioners can communicate with each other about your treatment plan to make the most out of this approach.

No: Though all the therapies have their benefits, you don’t want to do too much all at once. Its important to find the driver or the primary cause of your issue. If you’re doing too much, it’s hard to tell what’s helping and what’s wasted effort. If you’re already seeing someone here, feel free to ask them if adding another therapy would be a good idea right now.

Its also possible to be over treated, and have a negative reaction to your treatment. Best to pace yourself and communicate with your primary provider.

I booked an hour, will I be on the table the entire time?


All of our practitioners are registered healthcare professionals and are required by their governing college’s to review your health history, discuss your treatment goals, assess you (posture, range of motion, symptoms, orthopedic testing, etc.), obtain your informed consent to treatment and come up with a treatment plan.

Some patients require more assessing than others, so this varies greatly depending on what you’re coming in with. We also must ensure it’s safe for you to receive treatment and make note of any necessary modifications to the treatment plan, as well as obtain your consent to the treatment.

There will also be some time at the end of the treatment to discuss the recommended plan for follow up treatments, recommended home-work and exercises, and give you an idea of what we think is contributing to/causing your symptoms.

This probably sounds like a lot, but there’s a reason we are called “professionals”…we know how to get it done quickly and efficiently. Its an essential part of the treatment that greatly affects the outcome. If you want to just jump on the table and get you’re full hour back rub, that’s what bodyworkers at spa’s are for.

Do you offer treatments for pregnant women and is it safe?

All registered healthcare providers (RMT, Chiropractic, Physiotherapy, Acupuncture) are trained in school to work with pregnant patients, as it’s a very common thing that we see in the clinic. This ensures they are qualified to know what to do, and more importantly, what not to do with a pregnant patient. We also have a few practitioners who have a special interest in working with pregnant women (Lindsay Daniels, Laura Bondy, Taylor Watson, all Registered Massage Therapists). We also have a massage pregnancy pillow which allows you to lay face down on the table, which is amazing when you’re pregnant!

Do I have to get undressed for any of my appointments?


Your comfort and safety are extremely important. It is absolutely not required that you disrobe, even for a massage. Any of our practitioners can treat effectively through your clothing. In this case, please wear comfortable clothing that you can easily move in, like workout wear.

Your massage, acupuncture or physiotherapist practitioner will discuss this with you and then give you clear instructions on how to get on the table (face down/up, under the top sheets) and then leave the room if you choose to disrobe. Typically, patients will disrobe to a level they are comfortable with or only expose the area being treated. This could be leaving your pants on, just your underwear or completely nude. You are covered with the sheets for privacy and only the area being worked on is exposed.

I'm uncomfortable with certain areas being touched. What should I do or say?

Again, your comfort and safety are extremely important. When it’s your first time seeing a practitioner, they will discuss the treatment plan with you before anything else happens. This will include a conversation about what area’s will be treated and whether you’re comfortable with that or not. Your practitioner will make changes to the treatment plan, where needed, to ensure you are comfortable and feel safe. You then know what to expect, have an opportunity to ask questions and give your informed consent to the treatment plan.

The most common area’s that people are sensitive about being touched are the throat, feet, inner thigh, belly, glutes and chest. Communication is key here. If there’s anywhere you don’t want to be touched, just tell your practitioner. And if that changes during the treatment, tell your practitioner, so they can adjust the treatment approach. We go to great lengths to make sure you feel safe.

Do you offer pregnancy massage and is it safe?


All registered healthcare providers (RMT, Chiropractic, Physiotherapy, Acupuncture) are trained in school to work with pregnant patients, as it’s a very common thing that we see in the clinic. This ensures they are qualified to know what to do, and more importantly, what not to do with a pregnant patient.

We also have a few practitioners who have a special interest in working with pregnant women (Laura Bondy, Taylor Watson, Eden Sandhals, all Registered Massage Therapists).

We also have a massage pregnancy pillow which allows you to lay face down on the table, which is amazing when you’re pregnant!



Post Treatment

How should I feel after my treatment?

How you feel after your treatment will depend on several factors. Each manual therapy treatment (chiropractic, physiotherapy, massage) is unique and each practitioner is unique in their approach to care and the techniques they use. You can read about each practitioner in our Team Section.

Read More


Relaxation Massage: For example, if you’re coming in for massage and the purpose of your treatment is for stress, anxiety or chronic pain management, the treatment will likely be on the lighter to moderate side for depth/intensity and may be a full body treatment. Your RMT may use slow swedish massage or myofascial release techniques, breathing, aromatherapy, relaxing music, dim lighting, scalp and face massage. All of these things calm your central nervous system, so you leave feeling very relaxed and grounded. Its unlikely you would be sore from this type of massage but you will probably be sleepy.

Orthopedic Massage: If the goal of your massage treatment is to release a locked up lower back or neck that has been in spasm for a few days, the techniques and intensity used will be very different. This is more of an orthopedic treatment approach, which tends to be focused on very specific areas, rather than a full body treatment. Techniques may include Muscle Energy Technique, MFR, Deep Tissue, Contract Relax Stretching, Manual Traction, Joint Mobilizations. Its common to be a bit sore for about a day after an orthopedic treatment. Any longer, and perhaps the treatment was too deep, or you have some inflammation that also needs to be dealt with.

Chiropractic: Treatment will vary depending on your symptoms, your goals and your level of comfort with joint manipulation. Dr. Alexander may use some soft tissue release techniques, stretching and joint mobilizations if you’re not comfortable with an “adjustment” or if he feels that would be more appropriate on that day.

Its not unusual to be a little sore after or the next day, but that’s normal.

Physio: If you’re coming in for physiotherapy, again the focus could vary quite a bit. You could be doing manual therapy, IMS or primarily therapeutic exercises. You could be sore the next day or not.

Importance of Communication:
The depth of pressure, intensity of treatment and techniques used will vary depending on your treatment goals and your symptoms. Your practitioner will ask you to communicate about how you’re experiencing the treatment, possibly using a pain scale of 1-10. A good rule to follow would be that if you have to tense up because of the treatment, that’s possibly too deep for you.

There are some techniques and areas that are more tender/sensitive than others, especially if they’re inflamed, which is why open communication is so important throughout your treatment. “No pain, no gain” is outdated and inaccurate. Its normal to be a bit sore and feel like you’ve had work done after an orthopedic type of treatment, but it should clear within 24-48 hours. Heat, ice, hydration and movement all help to clear it. Your practitioner will also likely give you some stuff to work on at home.

About Acupuncture Healing Reactions HERE

In Person Appointments

Location & Parking

Where do I park?

There is on street parking available on Fort and Quadra. We also recommend the Broughton Street Parade below the downtown library. The first hour is free. Both on street and parkade are free before 9am and after 6pm.

How do I find you?

Look for our street sign, in front of the Chamber of Commerce on the ground floor. We are located on the second floor which you can access from the main entrance via elevator, or the other entrance via the stairs.

FYI, the building is locked after 6pm and on Saturdays. There is a buzzer to the right of the elevator/main entrance. Enter 214 and we will buzz you in.

book online

Book an appointment online or by giving us a call!

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